Product Detail

Servo System For Injection Molding Machine : High Energy Saving Rate, High Stability, High Durability
As we know, nowadays power saving concept using servo systems on Injection Molding Machines have made machines more economic and user friendly. Consequently old machines are becoming burden on user. We are committed to promotion of the energy conservation technology of the injection molding machine, strives to help customers promote efficiency and create value, explores the current and future demands of customers, and customizes the servo system with high cost performance by virtue of the professional skills.
Change from high flow to small flow
Meet needs and reduce flow and resource waste of special machines
Change from common machine to high speed machine
Consider growth, promote machine performance, and enhance competitiveness
Change from common machine to special machine
Meet production needs, improve efficiency or promote machine performance such as change from common machine to special machine for mobile phone


To implement energy saving system in old Injection molding machine we replace old electrical motor system with new servo system. After implementation of servo system user can save up 60% electricity. Injection Molding Machines become more economic, attractive and user friendly, when they get equipped with PLC control along with servo system.
We are retrofitting standard servo system on used Injection molding machines, which make machines again an asset for the customers with following advantages:
1:-Renovation makes machine accurate, contemporary & noiseless.
2:-Power saving up to 60% on renovated machines.
3:-We offer one year warranty for proper functioning of PLC, Servo System & hydraulic.
4:-Industrial paint quality make machine look like new.

Advantage of the Servo Drive:
1:- Excellent voltage compatible range: 330V-528V three phase alternating current input.
2:- Built in break unit in all series , less space occupied.
3:- Parameter storage panel , allowing mass test and convenient system replacement.
4:- Both KTY and PTC overheating protection are incorporated.
5:- Optional PID control, better solution for the problem that the flow decreases when the pressures reaches its instruction. This solution is testified by an contrast experiment with other brand of servo system ( when manufacturing high hardness plastic such as PC, our system shows better performance).
6:- Supporting distributed control of multiple servo system confluence and compound control of distributaries and confluence.

Advantage of Servo Motor:
1:- Double Cooling-down design: The combination of air cooling and water cooling Lets understand this by following diagrams .
2:- Low Interior Rotor


1High energy saving:In an ideal working state, compared with conventional injection molding machines, their energy saving can reach 50%-80% with servo system.
2Better Molding Stability:Compared with conventional injection molding machines, repeatability is greatly improved due to servo motor close-loop control.
3Quick response:Due to sensitive servo motor, the response time is only 0.05 second.
4Quiet & low noise::The machine runs with low noise, and will be much quieter in a low speed.
5Reliable holding pressure:Compared with all electric injection molding machines, the time for pressure holding will be much longer and steady.
6Slow Oil temperature rise:Servo motor proportionally deliver hydraulic oil base on our needs, it can prevent unnecessary heat being generated, even in some cases does not require cooling.


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